All posts by sips

L2a 0.2

DPC Version: 0.2
DPC Software Delivery ID: 20210922-1
Algorithm Version: 1.2.2
GES DISC DAAC Version: 0.2

DPC Version 0.2 Release Notes:

Based on 0.4dev3 version of L1b. Is not based on the same L1b version used in L1b 0.2.1

L1b 0.2.1

DPC Version: 0.2.1
DPC Software Delivery ID: 20211213-1
Algorithm Version: 2.2.0
GES DISC DAAC Version: 0.2

DPC Version 0.2.1 Release Notes:
– All channels are available until the 11/15/2021 G-band noise diode anomaly. After that date the G-band values are not valid if there are any.
– Released to the GESDISC DAAC up to 11/15/2021 as collection 0.2

L1a 0.4dev3

DPC Version: 0.4dev3
DPC Software Delivery ID: 20220207-1
Algorithm Version: 3.2.1

DPC Version 0.4dev3 Release Notes:
– This version is the first that will process G band channels past the 11/15/2021 G band noise diode anomaly. All channels are available.
– The DPC has processed all pathfinder mission data with this version and has put it in forward stream for science team development.
– 0.4dev3 is not an official release to the DAAC and further updates are expected before an official 0.4 release.

Input Graph:

L1b 0.4dev3

DPC Version: 0.4dev3
DPC Software Delivery ID: 20220130-1
Algorithm Version: 2.3.0

DPC Version 0.4dev3 Release Notes:
– This version is the first that will process G band channels past the 11/15/2021 G band noise diode anomaly. All channels are available.
– The DPC has processed all pathfinder mission data with this version and has put it in forward stream for science team development.
– 0.4dev3 is not an official release to the DAAC and further updates are expected before an official 0.4 release.

Input Graph: